Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year to all :o)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Homemade bread

Maybe you've seen WASA's crispbread on OPRAH - anyway I was brought up with this type of bread - well different varities actually, and its good with hardboiled eggs, cheese, jam and soo much more.... My breakfast usually included 1 or 2 pieces of this type of bread.
A colleague of mine brought homebaked crispbread to the office one day - with many type of seeds in it - YUMMI :o) I got a copy of the recipe and bought all the ingredients. That was one month ago.
So whenever the blogger Melanie has mentioned WilliamsSonoma in her blog I have thought about trying this recipe, but haven't gotten around to it.... until today that is.
And while my crispbread were baking in the oven I watched Nigella Christmas, that I recorded on my DVR while I was in Barcelona. Those recipes she presented - wow I can actually eat a lot of the stuff she cooked, as most ingredients are allowed in my MS diet, I am soo getting her book via Amazon :o) I already have her Nigella Express, which has helped me cook lots of times. Why buy fastfood? Most of her recipes hardly take any time to make, and I always make double portions so I can put them into my freezer - that way I always have fastfood.
Now I am only left with one question to myself: Why did I stop baking bread, cookies etc.? I did it all the time, when I studied at the university. And the time invested really pays off, since the results is usually yum-yum. Maybe I just discovered a 2010 New Year resolution: make more homemade bread. :o)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Time for creative ideas

Sunday, December 27, 2009
When everything else fail...
Well that visit lasted for about 5 seconds, as I was met with smoke.... Yikes! Welcome the the 21st century where smoking apparently still a allowed in public places in some countries.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Is goal free living possible?
Spreading joy when sending a homemade/selfmade card instead of off-the-shelves cards
As in learning new creative techniques
Maybe making some money on the creative things - thus funding other creative ideas
...and the list could go on.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Powerfull word - confirmed:o)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Women of Grace

"Coco Before Chanel" - Audrey Tatou has been one of my favourite acresses ever since Amélie, and her portrait of Coco Chanel is amazing. Everybody knows Chanel when fashion is mentioned - but how many know about her background?
A guy thought it was ok to check his email on his blackberry while watching the movie - some of us asked him to turn it of, as the light from the blackberry's screen was disturbing us "oh no can't do that - it is important issues" ??!! One of the cinema's employee's gave him an ultimatum - turn it off or go home to his wife instead of being at the cinema with his mistress ... he really hit a nerve, as the guy's face turned white and his mistress was soo soon as the movie ended they went outside in a hurry.
Second woman of grace: Audrey Hepburn.
I bought the book "What Would Audrey Do?" a while ago and started reading it today.
There are fun bits in the book that will never apply to me - but on the other hand, there might just be a few things that's worth considering.
Just writing this entry made me remember an exhibition (on loan from the MET) I saw in Chicago abouth Jacueline Kennedy - The White House Years where all the beautiful and memorable outfits were on display.... just browsing through the catalogue from that exihibition right now.... maybe, that's why I enjoy watching "Project Runway" - to see how the designers get their inspiration :o)
Friday, December 18, 2009
Is Christmas over already....??

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Expressions you love........

Monday, December 7, 2009
Old style communication

In one of my first blog posts I wrote about writing letters - well that is still my most cherished kind of communication.
I write emails all day long at my job and therefore dont consider them to be very personal when it comes to my own private mailbox - for me it is for leaving short messages: unless there is some vital info involved. Ok the monthly list of bills to be paid is still preferred at the mailbox instead of using vast amount of paper..... At work emails are necessary when communicating to people worldwide and also for written reference, that might be needed in claim cases etc.
Then there is the phone - sometimes I actually miss when it was attached to a cord.... yes if you weren't a home you might have to queue up at a phonebooth, and you would actually miss calls when you were not at home, and an answering machine would pick up a message... Now you are never alone - it could ring at anytime...
Several people I now instantly picks up the mobile, when they either leave their home or their job and chats away - usually about "nothing".... a lot of them while driving a car, a bicycle etc... Hello??!! Dont they know how many traffic accidents that actually could be avoided if they weren't on the phone.
The job equipped me with a mobile - so basically I am available 24/7 - but usually it does not ring at night nor in the weekends: the most times it has rung in the weekends are when my presence is suddenly urgently requested in another country.
Friday, December 4, 2009
American Pictures

If you have ever seen this picture - chances are that you know about "American Pictures - either as a slide-show/multimedia show or the book with Jacob Holts amazing pictures and stories about the Americans: black or white, rich or poor etc.
His shows have been seen by many people - especially across the USA and Denmark - he has touched, provoked thousands and tousands of people.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
On a mission....

I've given myself this week to complete the shopping for X-mas and birthdays in December - one thing that needs to be bought will have to wait another 2 weeks: my X-mas vation.....
Am already on the reach to reach my goal, as I bought 4 birthday presents and another 3 for X-mas... plus finished 5 homemade birthday cards and 2 for X-mas.... And the best thing: still within the budget.
There is a dilemma regarding X-mas presents in my family: my sister-in-law insists that my 2 nieces only gets items from the wishlist - which I never honour ... why?? ... well followed that "rule" for years, but she never looked at the wishlist from me (even though she insisted to get one) and gave me books I already own etc. ("Oh!! I forgot to ensure that you are able to exhange this" - and you never can)... My nieces however think that my travelling is "soo cool" and they insist on getting purchases from abroad. I try to spend a lot of time with them and actually listens to what they have to say - and so far I have been able to pick items for them, that they refuse to let out of their eyesight even for one minute......
I have the same "gift" for picking a present when it comes to the friends with who I exchange X-mas presents - but for me it's all about paying attention to very small details that actually makes the difference....
Then there are the X-mas cards - did I score an own goal when I started creating my own X-mas cards?? There is no way back: several of them have expressed that they are always looking forward to receive this years card (as well as birthday greetings etc...)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Me-day or Mayday???

And there it was.....
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
From almost-panic-attach to happy face

Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Too many ideas
This is the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen (yes, she is tiny) - believe it or not, she's leaving Copenhagen next year to be part of the Danish pavillion at the World Expo in Shanghai next year... Not all Danes are comfortable with the fact, that she has to be away from her spot in Copenhagen Harbour for a while...

London - one of my favourite cities... I know my way around the city and no longer need a map as this city as come to my rescue a dusin+ times already. By now it feels like a home away from home.... and I always find places that I havent seen before... Uhhh LondonWalk - highly recommended - if you want to see another side of London you should chose one of the many walks offered for only 5-7£ (Jack the Ripper, Sherlock Holmes, GhostWalk, Charles Dickens Christmas Walk etc.)...
But choosing London again would just be too easy..... needs to be somewhere new... or should I take up one of the offers from my friends abroad to stay at their homes for a while.... ok maybe somewhere where I can at least communicate just a little bit..... ok - that would just leave it wide open, as I have insight in some of the following languages English, Japanese, French, Spanish, German, Danish (hence also some of the other Scandinavial languages) and a little Italian (no have never lived abroad and my parents can only speak their native language).... I am travelling alone which is why I prefer a place where I can understand what the locals are telling me....

(Btw all the pictures has been captured by me on past vactions...)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Christmas ... Loving it - or hate it?
My dad... well doesnt want to argue with my mother, because then she will be afterhim the following day... Somehow I dont blame him - on the other hand: I could use his support.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Reuse. Is that a better word than recycle...?

I made up a list on how I can contribute:
1. Preferably buy things in glass bottles rather than the plastic one - we have a special container for recycling glas.
2. Always bring a tote (either cutton or from recycled materials) when shopping groceries and other items - thus refusing the free plastic bag that usually come with the purchase = saving a lot of unessesary plastic bags
3. Replace old fashioned lightbulps with the new energy efficient ones - the old fashing lightbulps are going to be banned anyway
4. Recycle paper, cardboard, electrical equipment etc....
5. Turn of electrical appliances instead of using the standby function
6. Give clothes - that I have stopped using - to the charity second hand shops - provided of course that they are not torn etc.
7. When buying beverages in plastic bottles - make sure that they are part of the deposit system.
Maybe it is small steps - but we dont have unlimited ressources - and recycling also makes the need for bigger and bigger wastedumps smaller..
Everytime I fly on my own account, I always make sure that I pay to carbon offset my flights - the flights paid by my job, well it is their obligation to think of the environment. Actually the company do a lot of stuff for the environment .....
So did I do anything today from my list? Yep - my cooking today involved organic milk+butter+oliveoil+flour+apples - have engergy efficient lightbulps everywhere in my appartment, the electricity in my area comes from large windmills, I use my bicycle when I go to/from work.... and I could actually continue... normally I dont think about the environmently friendly things in my daily life, because now they are just integrated as normal parts of my day......
When I was a child, my parents did not have a lot of money - but I was not missing anything - and the huge vegetable garden provided for 80% of the vegetable that we consumed every year, and was taught how to use things and take care of them so they could last longer...
Back in 1990 my parents went to a conference about the environment - they allowed me to go with them, and that was my first encounter to the challenges we face today regarding the environment - I am not active in any movement but is just contributing with small steps in my everyday life..........
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Have you ever reached the point....
During the summer I was on sickleave for little over a month due to stress - did not see it coming and suddenly I was just ruled "out" - I realised it myself and decided to act on it and immediately got all the support that I needed from some of my colleagues, the firm that I work for and my doctor.... It is not easy to admit, that you suffer from stress....
Sometimes the words "carpe diem" are the greatest tool I have when fighting the MS - at other times they are a curse, as I will stop at nothing to get things done... hence is why I did not realise the stress until it hit me...
Staying at home - with the feeling I was not contributing with anything.... hardest thing ever.... But at the same time I was confident that I could get better... I just neede to change my focus on things... soon I started reading book after book, worked on greating cards that my friends ordered from me, taking a walk everyday, playing with my camera (I took todays pics with one week interval)..... and suddenly I was back on track - different track though but still reaching the destination....
And it is nice when your colleagues mentioned that your spirit seems high, that you look great and full of energy, that they sometimes ask about the stress and how it could be fought with a good outcome.....
Today I actually feel like the first picture -but it is not due to stress. I have a muscle in my neck, that is causing a big-timeheadache (tension) .... and some people ask "Why did you not stay at home?" .. well the answer is - my head works fairly ok today eventough it hurts like ....!! But talking and laughing with my colleagues momentarily makes me forget all about the musclepain...
There is however a downside to this approach - getting home from work, and I wont be able to do anything tonight but sleep and relax - dont think I can concentrate on any bookreading, tv or anything. I experience this once in a while - but I am still lucky, some MS patients feel like this everyday and are therefore unable to have a job.....
Is the glass half empty or half full?? Well mine is half full!! :o)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Creativity that makes me speachless.....
I know that it is 8+ minutes, but watch is and don't forget to turn on the sound.. I am sure that you are gonna love it..... it's amazing
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13th ... Good or Bad.... ????

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Is TimeTravel possible....???
When ever I go travelling it is usually by airplane - you will always find some passenger that is grumpy already before he/she boards the plane: "Travelling is such a waste of time!". Waste??!! Just pick up a good book, let it absorp you - and before you know it, you are at your destination... The past few years I have read a great number of books due to my many travels..
But books are also a relief... when I go to the hospital every 4-6 weeks to get the Tysabri-treatment for my MS, I always bring a book. Sometimes the time is spent talking to others diagnosed with MS, other times I just want to forget about the fact that MS is part of my life and the books help me drift into another world, where MS is not there... If you met me on the street you would never guess, that I have MS because I life a almost normal life. Almost as in I do have to pay attention to what I eat and I have to go to the hospital to get my medicine...
And did you know, that the UK have zero tax/vat on books, as they are considered educational ... howcome we don't have that??
I have too many books - at least according to my bookshelves that are screaming for more place - books that I have read, that is not a "keeper" I pass on to friends, who I think might have a good time reading that book - it is then theirs to keep or pass it on to others.
Recently the library was re-discovered - at least my world... When did I stop going to the library and check-out/borrow books? Now I have become a regular... If I hadn't, stacks of books would be everywhere in my department, and I am actually saving money (books are expensive where I live, so books are usually bought when I travel - which is why I have membership cards to Borders, Barnes&Noble, Books Etc., Waterstones etc...)
If you know a must-read book - share it!! Please :o)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Favourite building - does everybody have one...??
I also remember a conversation with one of my best friends - we were talking about time travel: if we could go back in time or live in a different time, when would it be? For me it was always the 1920's which might be due to my facination of art deco.

Friday, November 6, 2009
The Calendar
Well for me it is a big help, but it has to be an old fashioned paper one - not one of those fancy electronic gadgets, that can contain your entire life like: calendar, phonebook, favourite music, favourite book, pictures of friends and famility etc...
No, it has to be paper - when no more can be written under a specific date, then I have enough plans/appointments that particular day.
I don't feel lonely eventhough I am single - all of my colleagues are married and most of them truly believe that I gotta feel lonely not being in a relationship. Yes I do a lot of stuff on my own: travel, watching the lastest movie at the cinema, going out for dinner etc..... but sometimes I also do all of the above with friends and family. Then why alone? Well if I want to go somewhere, why should I always wait for another person to be able to do it at the same time....
Becoming single was not my decision - that is a loooong story, but I do not want to sit at home night after night waiting for Mr. Right to suddenly knock at my door..... and later on regretting that I did do so many things. Yes sometimes I do miss the significant other in my life....
The MS diagnosis made me realise, that life is too short to not pursuing the interesting stuff.... I have signed up for a number of interesting lectures in various topics: photography, travel, wildlife preservation, books etc. to become more knowledge on these topics...
I have reserved 19 days in my calendar (X-mas, New Years and the beginning of the new year) to go travelling..... Have actually not booked anything yet and probably wont until two days before the vacation starts. Too many ideas regarding the destination and absolutely no clue on how to choose - so a pricebargain might be the determining factor when I have to make up my mind.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Counting Points

Or rather I should be counting points, but I don't. For me attending the WeithWatcher meetings is all about getting new ideas for healtier food and getting the support from others, that also want to loose some weight. Slowly more than 15 kgs have been lost during the past 1½ year - not a lot, but just a slow progress and by not counting points everyday but still being aware about what I put into my mouth/body makes me happy about the weight loss.
My BMI has been in the "normal" zone the past year, and I intend for it to stay there - loosing a few extra kgs would make the differense.... I have actually reached my mail goal regarding the size of pants - an can I achieve an additional weight loss I will consider it as a bonus.
When I was a child/teenager I was soo skinny - and soon called grasshopper, sticks-and-bones ets by other kids. My parents were summoned by the school nurse everytime they employed a new one in order to discuss my food habits. But my father has always been skinny to, so just by looking at him, hearing about the amount of food I actually consumed everyday combined with a high level of activity the nurses soon dropped all thoughts of me having anorexia.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
What ever happened to.....??
I am reading soo many emails during the workday, so I do not want to go home - turn on the computer in order to hear some news from my friends and family... some of them tease me, that I still prefer to write letters, but some of them actually likes getting letters in their mailbox (not the email mailbox).. others say, that we are busy doing stuff at different times, so a phonecall might be bad timing, hence they prefer to send an email - hey why not send a letter instead.
Since 1989 one of my best frinds and me have used letters as our primary communication method - for us it has just been natural to send news via postcards or letters instead of picking up the phone or sending an email. Only in rare occations we those the other means of communication, because we both like to sit down with a cup of tea and read a letter.
When I go travelling - a notepad, a pen and some evelopes always find their way into by bags: when not reading good books on the plane, I write letters to some of my friends letting them know, what has been going on in my life/mind lately.... and I still send postcards. If others do not have the time to send a postcard but are sending me a sms/mms instead - well do not bother because I do do not consider it to be personal...
X-mas greetings are very close to my heart - a couple of years ago I starting making all my x-mas cards myself. And now there is no way back, everybody I know will not settle for a bought card, that you can buy at any store - on the other hand, I know that not everybody are creative, so I appreciate getting a card from the stores etc... X-mas greetings via email where all the reciepients are disclosed - do not send one to me
This blog is just to put my thoughts into cyperspace as a reflection - I keep a journal, where I put similar stuff down but also includes my impressions of people that are somehow in my life. And I do have a web-album on GOOGLE's Picasa simply to share some moments from my travels with my best friends - not all pictures are posted there, that is not my intention, but I get soo many ideas from friends when they comment my pictures - usually I travel alone, but using the Picasa website actually enables me to share some memories in a totally different way, because I do not have to "hold lectures" when talking about my latest destination: they have already seen, what have impressed me the most and often others knows something about it and is more eager to start a conversations based on a picture.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I went into the cinema to se "Julie & Julia" at noon and enjoyed 2 hours of Feel-Good-Time - this movie also caused the male audience to burst out with laughter, so it is not just a chick-flick.....
Julie Powell took up an incredible challenge, when she decided to cook more than one dish per day for a year, blogged about it and completed the challenge and found/got more opurtunities because of it. The recipes from Julia Child sounds yummi, but I know that my MS will not agree with me if I tried out a lot of the dishes...and still can not help wondering about the possibility to find a new "agreable" recipe, that I could make...hmmm....need find a copy of the book......
Sunday, October 18, 2009
More hot beverages please......

In the wrong place?
This has popped up in my mind more recently, maybe fuelled by a collegue's comment "What the hell are you doing here - you are creative, you should pursue it!"
Well... just maybe...
Need an income to pay my bills and especially the rent on my appartment... And I actually like my job.
The creative side of me was let out of hiding, when I got the MS diagnosis 7+ years ago - need to now, what I can do, if I am suddenly unable to work because of the MS. Now - it is one of the most un-stressing things that I know of, when things are a bit "too much". But then again - I manage a full time job and other activities, so the creativity is sort of a back-up-plan....