Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Alphabet Wednesday - F is for...

F is for...

All the beautiful colours....
Writers have that - how else could they write stories to entertain us - and kids have that when playing - linked to creativity
Downside of MS - not often, but it's sneaky
TV-series - if you have lived at a college/univerisity dorm you can see a lot of parallels to that tv-series...
Jane Austen uses that word a lot....
Wonderful to look at and nice to be cosy near - however fire freaks me out, so I'm settling with the type of fire, that my DVD player can provide on a screen (can you believe it - I received the DVD from my insurance company)
People you can't live without... who will be there eventhough you don't have the chance to met them often....
The best TV-series ever!!!
People have feelings....

1 comment:

Melanie's Randomness said...

I loved Felicity!! Oh fatigue I know that all too well.