Friday, May 1, 2015

Yarn Bomb Pieces

Some yarn bombers I know are going to decorate a tree in Nordic knitting style - can not be there for the actual yarn bombing, but have sent 2 pieces of knit - let's see I they can use it at all.

The knit with the stars have given me a partial idea for a thick knitted sweater - let's see if I can pull it off and make my own pattern based on the inspiration. The star pattern is from a pattern, where the actual star is being embroidered on the knit - whereas I knitted the star fair isle style - still room for improvement doing that. As I see it, it was worth knitting this even though it might not be used in the yarn bomb as I got an idea for my own personal cozy-thick-warm-stay-at-home-sweater for cold winters.

Star pattern is from a knitting pattern by Stine Hoelgaard Johansen (my instructor on a night school knitting course a few years ago) in the supplement NORDISK STRIK from the danish magazine HENDES VERDEN 40/2013.

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