If you are Danish you know that the Krøyer couple was one of the most respected Skagen Painters during the 1880's. Skagen, or Skaw in Englist, is the northermost spot in Denmark, where the North Sea and the Baltic sea meets, and there is a pecial light, that attracted the Skagen Painters.
P.S. Krøyer had a name both in Denmark but also in France, where Marie was struggling to be a painter while being a wife and a mother. The two paintings shown are some of P.S. Krøyer's most famous works.
Like other artists, P.S. Krøyer was insane, and had to be treated occasionally for the insanity, while Marie was trying to keep their family together. It tears her apart, and while she is resting in Sweden a Swedish composer sweeps her off her feet. How does she avoid being thorn apart and at the same time shielding her's and P.S. Krøyer's daughter, Vibeke, from being the biggest emotionall looser of them all?
I am missing an epilogue to the movie, as most people do not know what happens to Marie at the time, where the movie ends. I grew up with a mother obsessed with Danish painters, so I know what happens afterwards, but could see a lot of confused moviegoers leaving the cinema.