Friday, June 12, 2015

No Hungry Kid

When in New York last month, I encountered Shake Shack. Had seen good reviews of the chain but was still a little curious about them living up to big expectations based on other people's reviews. It was good!! :o)

There burgers are not king size - just a regular size that a European like me can actually eat up (the normal American portions are way too big for me), tasty, no fancy ingredients and served with yummy fries on the side - and affordable on almost any budget.

Almost any budget?

There are hungry kids even in America, and Shake Shack had their 4th annual shake sale, where you could support NoHungryKid with 2$ - you received a voucher in return so you could get a free shake at your next visit at Shake Shack (an offer I will not be using :o) ) - I had to support. Have never gone to bed hungry and out of a travel budget 2$ was affordable, kind of a way giving back to a country that has given me many good memories. Maybe I could have given more, but prefer to spread out support/donations to several cause showing that I care.

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