Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Recycling - What To Do With a Empty Soda Can?

After writing yesterday's blogpost, a friend of mine posted me a link to a creative idea.. the link offered a second link, that lead to another one, and then.....

I found a project I could do with a empty Coca Cola can.. well there goes my 20c deposit :o)

So what did I do?

This candle holder, that fits a tea light. Not hard to do. Found the idea in a folder for children on how to recycle trash, published by the Danish Society for Nature Conservation, which was why I figured that I could do it too. When folding origami I often end up with paper cuts, but amazingly enough working with thes sharp edges of the cut of can did not cause any cuts on my hands :o)

When throwing a party (epecially in the evenings during summer), you might end up with not enough candle holders, and buying new ones could be expensive, unless you find a good bargain in a dollar store. Doing something like this, could even help you with a color scheme or even match the favorite beverage of the one, you are honoring with the party.


Karen said...

Okay, this is really a great idea. Something for my grandie and I to do for Earth Day. Thanks for the idea.

claire7q said...

Result! You're FAB, Legs :D