Hard to believe that my mind can actually contain thoughts other than work or a saffron colored sailboat - really I should be concentrating about those two, but I have decided not to let everything else go on a complete standby and thereby stressing my calender a little bit...
Today I returned to a event organized by the same ladies that held the
first public yarn bomb I have participated in last year - not as many participants as last year but still a good time with familiar faces and inspiring work. We put color and things you can sit/rest on :)
Happy to see that my red PacMan inspired ghost from last year is still alive - though colors are a bit faded - yellow ghost partly there but not as nice looking as Mr red.
Must admit that my thoughts were not all shut off when it comes to boats, as the event was held right next to the inner city harbor which to to really nice summer weather was very busy with leisure boats - caught myself daydreaming once or twice about the upcoming trip.