Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2nd - Groundhog Day

Or locally Kyndelmisse (derived from the Latin: Candalarum Misa = Mass of the Light)

No February 2nd without watching one of my favourite movies "Groundhog Day" - ahhhh the sceene of the alarmclock slooooooly turning to 06:00 am :o) During this time of year, it always seems like my alarm clock has seen this movie way to often - LOL!!

We have a lot of saying around this date - most known is the part about it being the coldest day of the year - well then it have to be really really cold, because this winter has been soo chilly and the 4th snowstorm within 7 days upon us as I write this.

So I am going to cuddle-up under my blanket, eating pancakes (yep another local tradition) for dinner, light several candles and watch the movie....

1 comment:

Melanie's Randomness said...

I love this movie, I don't own it so I hope they play it somewhere tonight!!