Thursday, January 27, 2011

World Wide News Clippings

When travelling, it is not just the inflight magazines that catch my attention - also the complimentary local newspapers provided by the hotels are a great source of many laughs, Wow!s and astonishment.

I was waiting for the assigned driver to pick me up while in Mumbai, and I simply fell of the comfy couch in the lobby laughing over this article. The reception staff really gave me the stare and made them look like huge question marks - when the driver came, I grapped on of the newspapers on the reception desk, flipped to the correct page and pointed out the article to them with a "Just read this, and you'll laugh too!" :o)

When I returned to the hotel, one of their colleagues on the evening shift called me and handed me a note with a smile "Thanks for making us laugh! You would be pleased to know, that "Constitution" just checked in :o) "

Second laugh that day, and the receptionist nodded and returned my big smile. Read this, and hopefully you will have a big smile on your face - remember to check out the local newspapers when travelling..... people's names will never be quite the same again and just emphasize the colorful, wonderful difference between cultures.
Article from The Times of India, Monday, January 3, 2011

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