Random thoughts just put out there...
Wondering where my life is going, and should I change the direction?
Thursday, February 24, 2011
TAG 2011 - Day 23: It only takes....
...two skeins of BigWoll and size 12 (mm) needles - and then about 3 hours of knitting :o)
Easy pattern bought on a trip to Sweeden - did not take much translation, and now I own a loop that can help me keep warm in this **COLD COLD** weather.
Dark grey actually - or so it said on the skeins when I bought them. But the colleagues actually said today, that it couldn't be all grey, because it has a shiny glow to it......
Stakkevis af bøger fortæller vist, at jeg elsker at læse og heldigvis har masser af bøger der må læses snart på min liste. Udnytter ventetid etc til at hive en bog op af tasken og glemme alt om tid og sted.
Krimier er klart favoritten, men læser et bredt udvalg af andrer genrer også.
BogVen - besøgsven gennem Dansk Røde Kors, hvor jeg bringer bøger til/fra biblioteket og diskuterer en bog, som vi begge har læst
Bloggen her er startet efter, at venner og familie spurgte til, hvad jeg senest havde læst, så de kan hente inspiration. Jeg forsøger at holde en pæn tone af respekt overfor forfattere/forlag.
This is pretty, is it silver or white? Very nice even stitching, by the way. Excellent work!
Dark grey actually - or so it said on the skeins when I bought them. But the colleagues actually said today, that it couldn't be all grey, because it has a shiny glow to it......
looks so warm. just the right thing for this cold weather :)
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