Thursday, April 21, 2011

Walking Or Balancing On That Thin Red Line.....

....also known as a healthy sleeping pattern. Spooked since I got this post idea two days ago, and yesterday some of the fellow bloggers with MS also wrote about fatique. Me I need my full 8 hours otherwise my body goes gaga - can not risk that as it might trick a MS attack.

Too little sleep and I risk walking like a drunk even though I have only been drinking tea, water or coca cola - and especially if the day includes a lot of activity - that type of walking is actually something that a lot of MSers struggle with (some permanently, some when they are having an attack or maby like me: had too little sleep).

Too much sleep and my body becomes insanely heavy and I have a hard time to move my body - and those days are full of my every-5-minute-yawns.

Well it is the sort of roller coaster ride I do not want a ticket to - therefore I try to get my 8 hours of sleep even though it can be hard to accomplish.

One thing weird though - flying doesn't always affect me..... maybe it is because I am sitting down and relaxing with a good book?

The girl in the photo is actually me some 20 years ago, and it is actually from my yearbook from back then. When my head started rumbling about fatique I suddenly remembered that photo and new I had to find it.


Birdie said...

Legs, can't imagine but know I love your "deal with and conquer attitude"; part of your confidence that amazes me. Oddly, this young lady looks much like the lovely lady I pictured you to be... Lovely post and thank you for sharing. Grace in motion my friend.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I wish I could get 8 hours of sleep! I can some nights but then there are those sleepless nights too...I guess we keep trying to sleep :)

Anne-Marie said...

My younger sister has MS so I'm very used to her ups and downs....she listens to her body...sometimes it has to YELL....but good quality sleep is at the heart of her good days....thinkin' 'bout you, sweetie!

Silver Strands said...

Crazy how that fatigue can kick in so quickly - heat does it to me too.

Karen said...

It is such a fine line. Like you...too much or too little sleep makes the beast rage.