Saturday, June 25, 2011

Little Girl's Present

First there was one.....

With a little help from an online crochet-basics-how-to.....

Then there were 11...

Wait ??!! Did I just make them in two days after work? :o) The inspiration came from Karen Klarbæk's blog, and the funny thing was that two hours after I found the blogpost, I bought two skeins of yarn...only to get upset with myself: have so many projects on my must-do-someday list, so why did I buy yarn to this one?

The next day I started the project, as I figured, that it will the perfect little present to a little girl, who's sister is going to be named tomorrow. Think she might like it??


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow a nice project to start and it will be liked!

Anne-Marie said...

Don't be hard on yourself....this is so pretty.....sometimes our creative urges just have to be given their head, lol!